Pomeranian university available
The main objective of the project is to implement organizational changes and raise the awareness and competence of university staff in the field of disability and improve the quality of teaching people with disabilities by 1 university, i.e. the Universal Higher School of Humanities "Pomerania", in the period until October 31, 2023.
The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund
01/01/2020 - 31/10/2023
PLN 2,034,684.00
Priority axis III: III. Higher education for the economy and development
Action 3.5: Comprehensive higher education programs
The main objective of the project is to implement organizational changes and raise the awareness and competence of the university staff in the field of disability and to improve the quality of teaching people with disabilities by 1 university, i.e. the Universal Higher School of Humanities "Pomerania", in the period until October 31, 2023.
Project value / co-financing from the European Union: PLN 2,034,684.00
Implementation period: 01/01/2020 - 31/10/2023
Beneficiary name:
- Universal Higher School of Humanities "Pomerania" Chojnice
- Eduexpert limited liability company Toruń
"Co-financed under the European Union program European Social Fund"