The project is implemented under the Priority Axis: II. Effective public policies for the labor market, economy and education, under Measure 2.10: High quality of the education system.
Co-financed under the European Union program European Social Fund
from 01/12/2020 to 28/02/2023
PLN 1,619,640.00
Priority axis II: Effective public policies for the labor market, economy and education
Measure 2.10: High quality of the education system
The main goal of the project is to create, in the period from 01/12/2020 to 28/02/2023, 9 sets of educational tools for natural subjects in biology for the 2nd educational stage, chemistry for the 2nd educational stage, physical education for the 2nd educational stage, geography and nature for the 2nd educational stage, EDB for the 2nd and 3rd educational stage (basic level), geography (basic level) and basics of entrepreneurship (extended level) for the 3rd educational stage, biology for the 3rd educational stage (basic and extended level), chemistry for the 3rd educational stage (basic and advanced level) extended) and PE for the 3rd educational stage (basic and extended level) - Area IV.
The main tasks that will be carried out under the project:
Development, verification, correction and approval of curricula and methodological guides included in educational toolkits,
Development, verification, correction and approval of scenarios of interdisciplinary educational projects included in educational toolkits,
Development, verification, correction and approval of didactic measurement tools and tools for evaluating key competences and transferable skills included in educational toolkits.
Target group:
education system employees,
Headmasters of schools and educational institutions,
Schools and educational institutions,
education boards,
Other units carrying out pedagogical supervision,
Pupils (including those with special educational needs and disabilities).
Value of the project/funding from the European Union: PLN 1,619,640.00
Implementation period: from 01/12/2020 to 28/02/2023
Beneficiary name:
Leading partner: